Awarded "A Very Special Stay" One MICHELIN Key 2024

Creative Mornings w/ Brenda Mott

Dec 09 9:00am - 10:00am

We are happy to host CreativeMornings!

CreativeMornings Kansas City exists to foster a community that sees and values creativity in all of life. Their free monthly gatherings welcome a variety of people from different disciplines to celebrate the creative work being done in our community. Creativity in Kansas City has a great history and an encouraging future that should inspire and challenge us toward better things.

About the speaker: 

Brenda Mott is the Founder and Executive Director of ScrapsKC. She shares the brief story about her background with us here…

The 1970’s was a great time to be a kid! Being kicked out of the house after Saturday morning cartoons to play until the streetlights came on was the ideal childhood. Hours were spent building forts in empty lots, exploring the neighborhood with your friends on your banana-seat bike, laying on the grass making pictures in the clouds and quenching your thirst with water from the hose was exactly what dreams were made of.

This was the decade of Mad Men-esque cocktail parties, Jaws and Willie Wonka, practicing new disco moves in your bedroom to your latest mixtape, and the beginning of the environmental movement. Brenda relished being a child of the 70’s.

But, Brenda’s experiences during this decade were only enhanced by her mother’s passion for creativity, community and curiosity. Let’s find out how these abundant gifts created the dream and became the foundation of ScrapsKC.


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